Daftar Kosakata HSK 2 Baru (New HSK 2 Vocabulary) 772 words

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Kosakata HSK 2 Baru (New HSK 2 Vocabulary) , selain 772 kata HSK 2, pelajari juga 500 kata dari HSK 1.

  1. a auxiliary word exclamatory particle
  2. àiqíng 爱情 love romance
  3. ài rén 爱人 lover husband or wife, lover
  4. ān jìng 安静 be quiet quiet; peaceful; silent; calm
  5. ānquán 安全 security safety; security
  6. bái sè 白色 white
  7. bān zhǎng 班长 monitor; squad leader
  8. bàn do manage, do, handle; deal with
  9. bànfǎ 办法 way way; means; measure
  10. bàngōngshì 办公室 office
  11. bàn yè 半夜 midnight
  12. bāngzhù 帮助 help help; assistance; aid
  13. bǎo full eat heartily; eat one's fill
  14. bàomíng 报名 sign up enter one's name; sign up
  15. bàozhǐ 报纸 newspaper
  16. běifāng 北方 north the northern part
  17. bēi 背(动) carry on the back; shoulder
  18. bǐrú 比如 such as
  19. bǐ rú shuō 比如说 for example
  20. pen
  21. bǐ jì 笔记 note;notes
  22. bǐjìběn 笔记本 notebook
  23. bìxū 必须 must must; have to
  24. biān side [suffix of nouns of locality] side
  25. biàn change
  26. biàn chéng 变成 become, change into
  27. biàn times classifier for actions: one time
  28. biǎo watch
  29. biǎoshì 表示 express expression; indication
  30. bú cuò 不错 not bad;pretty good
  31. bú dàn 不但 not only
  32. bú gòu 不够 not enough
  33. búguò                                    不过 however
  34. bú tài 不太 not too; not very much
  35. bú yào 不要 don't
  36. bù hǎo yì sī 不好意思 sorry;feel embarrassed
  37. bù jiǔ 不久 soon
  38. bù mǎn 不满 dissatisfied
  39. bùrú 不如 not as good as
  40. bù shǎo 不少 not a few, a lot
  41. bù tóng 不同 different
  42. bù xíng 不行 no way; be out of the question
  43. bù yī dìng 不一定 not necessarily; uncertain
  44. bù yī huìr 不一会儿 in a moment; in a little while;soon
  45. bùfen 部分 part
  46. cái オ(副) only;just
  47. càidān 菜单 menu
  48. cānguān 参观 visit
  49. cānjiā 参加 participate in
  50. cǎo grass
  51. cǎo dì 草地 grass; lawn
  52. céng layer
  53. chá search;check
  54. caàbuduō 差不多 almost
  55. cháng long
  56. cháng jiàn 常见 common
  57. cháng yòng 常用 in common use
  58. chăng site
  59. chāoguò          超过 exceed
  60. chāoshì 超市 supermarket
  61. chē liàng 车辆 car;vehicle
  62. chēng call, say
  63. chéng 成(动) become; finish
  64. chéngjì 成绩 achievement result (of work or study); achievement; success
  65. chéngwéi 成为 become
  66. chóngfù 重复 repeat
  67. chóngxīn 重新 again once more; anew, re-
  68. chūfā 出发 set out
  69. chū guó 出国 go abroad
  70. chū kǒu 出口(名) export
  71. chū mén 出门 go out
  72. chūshēng 出生 birth
  73. chūxiàn 出现 appear
  74. chū yuàn 出院 discharged;leave hospital
  75. chū zū 出租 rent
  76. chūzūchē 出租车 taxi
  77. chuán ship
  78. chuī blow
  79. chūn jié 春节 Spring Festival;Chinese New Year
  80. chūn tiān 春天 spring
  81. word
  82. cídiǎn 词典 dictionary
  83. cíyǔ 词语 terms
  84. cóng xiǎo 从小 from childhood
  85. dāying 答应 promise answer; reply; respond
  86. dǎgōng                  打工 work do manual work for sb.
  87. dǎsuàn 打算 plan
  88. dǎyin 打印 print
  89. dà bù fèn 大部分 most
  90. dà dà 大大 greatly, enormously
  91. dà duō shù 大多数 most; great majority
  92. dà hǎi 大海 sea
  93. dàjiā 大家 everybody
  94. dà liàng 大量 a lot of; lots of
  95. dà mén 大门 door; gate
  96. dà rén 大人 adult
  97. dà shēng 大声 loud
  98. dà xiǎo 大小 size
  99. dà yī 大衣 overcoat
  100. dà zì rán 大自然 nature
  101. dài belt take; bring; carry
  102. dài lái 带来 bring
  103. dānwèi 单位 Company
  104. dàn but;however
  105. dàn shì 但是 but; however
  106. dàn egg
  107. dāng When work as; serve as; be
  108. dāngshí 当时 at that time
  109. dǎo fall,topple,fail
  110. dàochù 到处 everywhere
  111. dào inverted,reverse
  112. dào road, way, path
  113. dàolǐ 道理 truth
  114. dào lù 道路 road;way;path
  115. get
  116. dé chū 得出 obtain results; reach conclusion
  117. de huà 的话 if
  118. de auxiliary verb [linking a verb or an adjective to a complement which describes the manner or degree]
  119. dēng lamp
  120. děng 等(助、名) etc.;and so on
  121. děng dào 等到 wait until; by the time
  122. děngyú 等于 Be equal to
  123. low
  124. dìqiú 地球 earth
  125. dìtiě 地铁 metro
  126. dì tiě zhàn 地铁站 subway station
  127. diǎn tóu 点头 nod nod one's head
  128. diàn shop;store
  129. diào fall [after certain verbs to indicate removal]
  130. dōng běi 东北 north east
  131. dōng fāng 东方 east
  132. dōng nán 东南 south east
  133. dōng tiān 冬天 winter
  134. dǒng understand
  135. dǒng de 懂得 know; understand;comprehend
  136. dòngwù 动物 animal
  137. dòng wù yuán 动物园 zoo
  138. dú yīn 读音 pronunciation
  139. degree; limit
  140. duǎn short
  141. duǎnxìn 短信 message
  142. duàn paragraph
  143. duì team
  144. duì zhǎng 队长 team leader; captain
  145. duì 对(介、动) to; at; face; be opposite; answer
  146. duìhuà 对话 dialogue
  147. duìmiàn 对面 Opposite side
  148. duō 多(副) much more; far more
  149. duō jiǔ 多久 how long
  150. duōme 多么 what
  151. duō shù 多数 most;majority
  152. duō yún 多云 cloudy
  153. ér qiě 而且 and
  154. send out
  155. fāxiàn 发现 find
  156. fàn guǎn 饭馆 restaurant
  157. fāngbiàn 方便 convenient
  158. fāng biàn miàn 方便面 Instant noodles
  159. fāngfǎ 方法 Method
  160. fāngmiàn 方面 Aspect
  161. fāngxiàng 方向 direction
  162. fàng xià 放下 put down, lay down, drop
  163. fàngxīn 放心 Don't worry set one's mind at rest; be at ease; rest assured; feel relieved
  164. fēn devide, part, distribute
  165. fēn kāi 分开 separate; part
  166. fēn shù 分数 score, mark, fraction
  167. fēnzhōng 分钟 Minute
  168. fèn share
  169. fēng 封(量) (measure word) classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters
  170. fú wù 服务 service
  171. fùxí 复习 Review
  172. gāi 该(动) deserve;should;owe should, ought to, need to
  173. gǎi change; correct; revise; switch over
  174. gǎibiàn 改变 change
  175. gānbēi 干杯 Cheers!
  176. gǎn dào 感到 feel;sense
  177. gǎndòng 感动 Be moved to touch (sb emotionally)
  178. gǎnjué 感觉 feel
  179. gǎnxiè 感谢 Thank
  180. gànhuór 干活儿 work on a job
  181. gāng just
  182. gāngcái 刚才 just
  183. gāng gāng 刚刚 just; only; just a moment ago
  184. gāojí 高级 senior advanced
  185. gāo zhōng 高中 senior high school
  186. gèzi 个子 Height
  187. gèng more
  188. gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 Bus
  189. gōng jiāo chē 公交车 bus
  190. gōngjīn 公斤 Kg.
  191. gōnglǐ 公里 kilometre
  192. gōng lù 公路 highway;highroad
  193. gōngpíng 公平 fair fair; just; impartial; equitable
  194. gōngsī 公司 company
  195. gōngyuán 公园 Park
  196. gŏu Dog
  197. gòu enough
  198. gùshi 故事 Story
  199. gùyì 故意 Deliberately
  200. gùkè 顾客 customer
  201. guān jī 关机 shutdown
  202. guānxīn 关心 Care for
  203. guāndiăn 观点 viewpoint
  204. guăngchăng 广场 square
  205. guănggào 广告 Advertisement
  206. guójì 国际 international
  207. guò lái 过来 come; come over
  208. guò nián 过年 celebrate the New Year next year
  209. guò qù 过去(动) go over; pass by
  210. guò cross; pass; spend; live
  211. hăi sea
  212. hăi biān 海边 seaside
  213. hǎn shout
  214. hǎo 好(副) well; fine; okay
  215. hǎochu 好处 benefit
  216. hǎo duō 好多 many; a lot of
  217. hǎo jiǔ 好久 for a long time;long
  218. hǎo rén 好人 good person
  219. hǎo shì 好事 good deed; good thing
  220. hǎoxiàng 好像 Be like
  221. héshì 合适 appropriate
  222. river
  223. hēi black
  224. hēibǎn 黑板 blackboard
  225. hēi sè 黑色 black
  226. hóng red
  227. hóng sè 红色 red
  228. hòulái 后来 later
  229. hūrán 忽然 suddenly
  230. lake
  231. hùzhào 护照 passport
  232. huā 花(动) spend;expend
  233. huā yuán 花园 garden
  234. huà painting
  235. huà jiā 画家 painter;artist
  236. huàr 画儿 painting; drawing
  237. huài chù 坏处 disadvantage;harm
  238. huài rén 坏人 bad person
  239. huānyíng 欢迎 Welcome
  240. huàn change
  241. huáng yellow
  242. huáng sè 黄色 yellow
  243. huí 回 (量) (measure word) classifier for acts of a play; section or chapter
  244. huí guó 回国 return home from abroad
  245. huì 会(名) meeting; gathering; conference; union; party
  246. huódòng 活动 activity
  247. huò or perhaps; maybe; probably
  248. huòzhě 或者 perhaps
  249. jīhuì 机会 Opportunity
  250. chicken
  251. level; rank; grade; degree; step
  252. fast; anxious; urgent; annoyed
  253. jìhuà 计划 plan
  254. jì suàn jī 计算机 computer calculator; calculating machine
  255. jiā add; increase; put in
  256. jiā yóu 加油 oil; refuel; make an all-out effort
  257. jiā 家(科学家) noun suffix (scientist) [after certain nouns to indicate a specified kind or class of people]
  258. jiātíng 家庭 Family
  259. jiā zhǎng 家长 parent; the head of the family
  260. jiǎ FALSE false; fake; sham; artificial
  261. jià qī 假期 holiday;vacation
  262. jiǎnchá 检查 inspect; check
  263. jiàn dào        见到 see
  264. jiàn guò 见过 seen;have seen
  265. jiàn piece classifier for events, things, clothes etc
  266. jiànkāng 健康 Healthy
  267. jiǎng speak
  268. jiǎng huà 讲话 speak;talk
  269. jiāo hand over
  270. jiāo gěi 交给 hand over
  271. jiāo péng yǒu 交朋友 make friends
  272. jiāotōng 交通 traffic
  273. jiǎo horn horn; angle, corner; point
  274. jiǎodù 角度 angle
  275. jiǎozi 饺子 Dumplings
  276. jiǎo foot
  277. jiào zuò 叫作 be called; be known as
  278. jiào shī 教师 teacher
  279. jiàoshì 教室 Classroom
  280. jiào xué 教学 teach
  281. jiàoyù 教育 education
  282. jiē meet, pick
  283. jiē dào 接到 receive
  284. jiēshòu 接受 accept
  285. jiē xià lái 接下来 next
  286. jiēzhe 接着 Next after that; and then
  287. jiē street
  288. jié 节(名、量) festival; holiday; joint;(measure word)
  289. jiémù 节目 program
  290. jiérì 节日 festival festival; red-letter day; holiday
  291. jiéguǒ 结果 Result
  292. jiè borrow
  293. jīn a unit of weight (=1/2 kg)
  294. jīn hòu 今后 from now on; in the future
  295. jìn rù 进入 enter; go in; join
  296. jìnxíng 进行 conduct
  297. jìn near
  298. jīngcháng 经常 Often
  299. jīngguò 经过 after,through
  300. jīnglǐ 经理 manager
  301. jiŭ alcohol;liqueur
  302. jiŭ diàn 酒店 hotel
  303. jiù yào 就要 will soon about to; going to
  304. lift raise, lift up; recommend
  305. jŭ shŏu 举手 raise one's hand or hands
  306. jŭxíng 举行 hold hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)
  307. sentence
  308. jùzi 句子 sentence
  309. card
  310. kāi jī 开机 starting up
  311. kāixīn 开心 Нарру
  312. kāi xué 开学 school opens; term begins
  313. kànfă 看法 view
  314. Kăo shēng 考生 examinee exam candidate
  315. kào lean lean on, trust, depend on; near
  316. subject; family; section
  317. kēxué 科学 science
  318. kě'ài 可爱 Lovely
  319. kěnéng 可能 Probably
  320. kěpà 可怕 dreadful
  321. kěshì 可是 however but; yet; however
  322. kěyǐ 可以 Sure [indicating permission] can; may
  323. gram
  324. 刻(量) a quarter (of an hour)
  325. kèrén 客人 Guest
  326. kè táng 课堂 classroom
  327. kōngqì 空气 atmosphere
  328. cry
  329. kuài cān 快餐 fast food
  330. kuài diǎnr 快点儿 hurry up
  331. kuàilè 快乐 happy
  332. kuài yào 快要 be about to; be going to
  333. kuàizi 筷子 chopsticks
  334. pull
  335. láizì 来自 Come from
  336. lán blue
  337. lán sè 蓝色 blue
  338. lán qiú 篮球 basketball
  339. lǎo 老(副) always; constantly
  340. lǎo 老(老王) noun prefix (Lao Wang),
  341. lǎo nián 老年 elderly
  342. lǎo péng yǒu 老朋友 old friend
  343. lǎo shì 老是 always; all times
  344. leave
  345. líkāi 离开 leave
  346. lǐwù 礼物 gift
  347. lǐ tou 里头 inside
  348. lǐ xiăng 理想 ideal
  349. lìrú 例如 for example
  350. lì zi 例子 example
  351. liǎn face
  352. liàn practice;train
  353. liànxí 练习 Practice
  354. liáng cool
  355. liángkuai 凉快 Pleasantly cool
  356. liǎng 两(量) a unit of weight (=50 grams)
  357. liàng bright
  358. liàng Car(measure word)
  359. líng xià 零下 below zero
  360. liú stay
  361. liú xià 留下 stay; remain
  362. liú xuéshēng 留学生 student studying abroad; returned student
  363. liú flow;spread
  364. liúlì 流利 fluent
  365. liúxíng 流行 Popular
  366. lù biān 路边 roadside; wayside
  367. lŭ kè 旅客 passenger; traveler
  368. lŭxíng 旅行 travel
  369. lŭyóu 旅游 Tourism
  370. 绿 green
  371. lù sè 绿色 green
  372. mài sell
  373. măn full fill; full, satisfied
  374. mănyì 满意 Satisfied
  375. māo cat
  376. meter
  377. miàn 面(名、量) (measure word); side; aspect classifier for objects with flat surfaces such as drums, mirrors, flags etc
  378. miàn 面(名) face; surface; outside; side; scale; flour
  379. miàn qián 面前 in front of; before
  380. míng name classifier for people
  381. míng chēng 名称 name; designation
  382. míng dān 名单 list list of names
  383. míngxīng 明星 Star celebrity
  384. mùdì 目的 objective purpose, goal
  385. ná chū 拿出 take out
  386. ná dào 拿到 get
  387. 那(连) then; in that case
  388. nà huìr 那会儿 at that time; then
  389. nà me 那么 like that; in that way
  390. nà shíhou | nà shí 那时候|那时 at that time
  391. nà yàng 那样 that kind; like that; such
  392. nán fāng 南方 south the southern part of the country
  393. nánguò 难过 Sorry to feel sad; difficult; hard
  394. nán kàn 难看 ugly bad looking
  395. nánshòu 难受 Uncomfortable (feel) unwell; (feel) ill
  396. nán tí 难题 problem; difficult problem;puzzle
  397. nán tīng 难听 unpleasant to hear
  398. néng gòu 能够 be able to; can
  399. niánjí 年级 grade
  400. niánqing 年轻 Young   
  401. niǎo bird
  402. nòng get, make
  403. nǔlì 努力 Strive make great efforts; try hard
  404. climb; creep; scramble
  405. páshān 爬山 Mountain climbing
  406. 怕(动) be afraid; fear; dread
  407. pái 排(名、量) row; line
  408. páiduì 排队 queue; stand in a line
  409. pái qiú 排球 volleyball
  410. pèng touch, meet
  411. pèng dào 碰到 meet; run into; bump into
  412. pèng jiàn 碰见 meet; run into; bump into
  413. piān piece sheet; leaf; piece (classifier for written items: chapter, article)
  414. piányi 便宜 Cheap inexpensive
  415. piàn slice
  416. piàoliang 漂亮 Well done!;  beautiful
  417. píng flat flat, level, even; peaceful
  418. píng'ān 平安 sound and safe
  419. píngcháng 平常 Usual in normal times
  420. píngděng 平等 equality
  421. píngshí 平时 peacetime
  422. píng bottle
  423. píngzi 瓶子 Bottle
  424. pǔ tōng 普通 ordinary; general; average
  425. pǔtōnghuà 普通话 Mandarin
  426. qítā 其他 Other
  427. qízhōng 其中 among
  428. ride
  429. qí chē 骑车 cycle
  430. qǐfēi 起飞 take off
  431. air;gas; breath
  432. qìwēn 气温 air temperature
  433. qiān thousand
  434. qiān kè 千克 kilogram
  435. qián nián 前年 the year before last
  436. qiáng wall
  437. qīng nián 青年 youth;young
  438. qīng shào nián 青少年 teenagers
  439. qīng light light; easy, simple; gentle
  440. qīngchu 清楚 clear
  441. qíng Sunny
  442. qíng tiān 晴天 sunny day
  443. qǐng kè 请客 stand treat;entertain
  444. qǐngqiú 请求 request
  445. qiū tiān 秋天 fall;autumn
  446. qiú request, beg
  447. qiú chǎng 球场 court;field ground where ball games are played; (volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton, etc.)
  448. qiú duì 球队 team sports team (basketball, soccer, football etc)
  449. qiú xié 球鞋 sneakers; gym shoes
  450. take
  451. qǔ dé 取得 acquire;gain;obtain
  452. quán whole;entire; complete
  453. quánbù 全部 whole
  454. quánguó 全国 nationwide, entire country
  455. quán jiā 全家 whole family
  456. quán nián 全年 whole year anualy; yearly
  457. quán shēn 全身 whole body
  458. quán tǐ 全体 all, entire, whole
  459. ránhòu 然后 then
  460. ràng give way; step aside allow, permit
  461. rèqíng 热情 Enthusiasm passionate
  462. rén kǒu 人口 population
  463. rén men 人们 people
  464. rén shù 人数 number of people
  465. rènwéi 认为 think
  466. rì bào 日报 daily,journal
  467. rìzi 日子 life,days
  468. rúguŏ 如果 if
  469. rùkǒu 入口 Entrance
  470. shāngliang 商量 discuss
  471. shāng rén 商人 businessman
  472. shàng zhōu 上周 last week
  473. shǎo shù 少数 small number; few; minority
  474. shào nián 少年 juvenile; young person boy or girl in early teens; juvenile
  475. shēn biān 身边 at [by] one's side at one's side
  476. shénme yàng 什么样 what kind
  477. shēng 生(动) give birth; be born
  478. shēng cí 生词 new word
  479. shēnghuó 生活 Life
  480. shēngyīn 声音 voice
  481. shěng 省(名) province
  482. shěng 省(动) economize; save; omit; leave out
  483. shífēn 十分 very 100 per cent; absolute
  484. shíjì 实际 real; actual
  485. shíxí 实习 Internship
  486. shíxìan 实现 realization
  487. shízài 实在 real; indeeed
  488. shízai 实在  done carefully
  489. shíwù 食物 food
  490. shǐ yòng 使用 use
  491. shì city
  492. shì zhǎng 市长 mayor
  493. shìqing 事情 Thing affair; matter; thing; business
  494. shōu collect
  495. shōu dào 收到 receive; obtain
  496. shōurù 收入 income
  497. shŏu biǎo 手表 Wrist Watch
  498. shòudào 受到 Suffer to receive (praise, an education, punishment etc)
  499. shūfu 舒服 comfortable
  500. shú ripe; cooked; familiar; skilled
  501. shǔ to count
  502. shùzì 数字 number
  503. shuǐpíng 水平 level
  504. shùnlì 顺利 smoothly
  505. shuōmíng 说明 Explain
  506. sījī 司机 Driver
  507. sòng dào 送到 sent to (place)
  508. sòng gěi 送给 give to (somebody or organization)
  509. suàn count; calculate
  510. suī rán 虽然 although; though
  511. suíbiàn 随便 casual
  512. suíshí 随时 at any time
  513. suǒyǐ 所以 so
  514. suǒyǒu 所有 All
  515. It
  516. tā men 它们 they
  517. tàitai 太太 Ma'am
  518. tàiyáng 太阳 sun
  519. tàidu 态度 attitude
  520. tǎolùn 讨论 discuss
  521. tào set classifier for sets, collections
  522. tèbié 特别 Especially
  523. tèdiǎn 特点 Characteristic
  524. téng hurt ache; have a pain; be sore
  525. carry hold in hand; lift in hand
  526. tí chū 提出 put forward;propose; raise
  527. tí dào 提到 mention;refer to
  528. tígāo 提高 increase, promote
  529. topic
  530. tǐyù 体育 Sports
  531. tǐ yù chǎng 体育场 stadium sports field (or ground)
  532. tǐ yù guǎn 体育馆 stadium; gymnasium;gym
  533. tiān shàng 天上 the sky; heaven
  534. tiáo strip classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
  535. tiáojiàn 条件 condition
  536. tīng jiǎng 听讲 attend a lecture;listen to a talk
  537. tīng shuō 听说 be told; hear of
  538. tíng Stop
  539. tíng chē 停车 park park (a car)
  540. tíng chē chǎng 停车场 car park; parking lot; parking area
  541. tǐng 挺(副) very; quite;pretty; rather
  542. tǐng hǎo 挺好 very good; not half bad
  543. tōng through; common; all; understand; expert pass through, common, communicate
  544. tōngguò 通过 adopt by means of; by way of; by; through
  545. tōngzhī 通知 notice notify; inform; give notice
  546. tóngshí 同时 meanwhile at the same time
  547. tóngshì 同事 Colleague
  548. tóng yàng 同样 same
  549. tóu 头(名、量) head; beginning or end; side; (measure word)
  550. tóu 头(里头) suffix(inside)
  551. tóufa 头发 Hair
  552. tú piàn 图片 picture; photograph
  553. tuī push
  554. tuǐ leg
  555. wài dì 外地 other places;nonlocal
  556. wài mài 外卖 takeaway;take out take out ( relates to food bought at a restaurant )
  557. wán finish
  558. wánchéng 完成 complete
  559. wánquán 完全 completely
  560. wǎn ān 晚安 good night
  561. wǎn bào 晚报 evening paper; evening news
  562. wǎn cān 晚餐 dinner;supper
  563. wǎn huì 晚会 evening party
  564. wǎn bowl
  565. wàn ten thousand
  566. wǎng net; network
  567. wǎngqiú 网球 Tennis
  568. wǎngzhàn 网站 website
  569. wǎng to in the direction of; towards; to
  570. wèi by
  571. wèishénme 为什么 Why
  572. wèi person (measure word)
  573. wèidào 味道 taste
  574. wèi 喂(叹) hello; hey
  575. wēndù 温度 temperature
  576. wén smell
  577. wèn lù 问路 ask for directions
  578. wèntí 问题 problem question; problem; issue
  579. wǔ cān 午餐 lunch
  580. wǔ shuì 午睡 nap siesta
  581. xīběi 西北 northwest
  582. xīcān 西餐 western food
  583. xī fāng 西方 west
  584. xī nán 西南 southwest
  585. xī yī 西医 western medicine
  586. xíguàn 习惯 Habit
  587. Xì yī jī 洗衣机 washing machine
  588. xī zăo 洗澡 Take a shower
  589. xià 下(量) (measure word)
  590. xià xuě 下雪 snow; snowing
  591. xià zhōu 下周 next week
  592. xià tiān 夏天 summer
  593. xiāngtóng 相同 identical
  594. xiāngxìn 相信 believe
  595. xiăng loud
  596. xiăng dào 想到 think of; call to mind; have at heart
  597. xiăng fă 想法 idea; opinion;thought
  598. xiăng qǐ 想起 remember; recall; think of; call to mind
  599. xiàng towards
  600. xiàng jī 相机 camera
  601. xiàng    像(动) be like; resemble; look like; such
  602. xiǎo ( xiǎo wáng) 小(小王) prefix(Xiao Wang)
  603. xiǎo shēng 小声 in a low voice; in whispers
  604. xiǎo shí hou 小时候 in one's childhood;when one was young
  605. xiǎoshuō 小说 Novel
  606. xiǎoxīn 小心 Look out
  607. xiǎo zǔ 小组 group
  608. xiào yuán 校园 campus;schoolyard
  609. xiàozhǎng 校长 Principal
  610. xiàohua 笑话 joke
  611. xiào huàr 笑话儿 joke
  612. xié shoes     
  613. xīn lǐ 心里 in the heart; at heart
  614. xīnqíng 心情 mood
  615. xīn zhōng 心中 in the heart; at heart; in mind
  616. xīnwén 新闻 news
  617. xìn 信(名) letter; mail; faith
  618. xìnhào 信号 signal
  619. xìnxī 信息 information
  620. xìnxīn 信心 confidence
  621. xìnyòngkă 信用卡 Credit card
  622. xīng xing 星星 star
  623. xíngdòng 行动 Get some action
  624. xíngrén 行人 pedestrian
  625. xíngwéi 行为 behavior
  626. xìng surname family name
  627. xìng míng 姓名 full name
  628. xiū jià 休假 have a holiday; take a vacation; be on furlough
  629. xǔduō 许多 many
  630. xuăn choose; select; pick
  631. xuéqī 学期 Semester
  632. xuě Snow
  633. yánsè 颜色 colour
  634. yăn eye
  635. yănjing 眼睛 eye
  636. yăng raise; keep; support; cultivate
  637. yàngzi 样子 A look appearance; shape
  638. yāoqiú 要求 Requirement
  639. yào drug
  640. yào diàn 药店 pharmacy
  641. yào piàn 药片 pill
  642. yào shuǐ 药水 liquid medicine; lotion
  643. yěxǔ 也许 perhaps
  644. night
  645. yè lǐ 夜里 at night
  646. yí bù fèn 一部分 a part; a portion
  647. yídìng 一定 Certain certainly; surely
  648. yígòng 一共 Altogether
  649. yí huìr 一会儿(副) awhile; in a moment; presently
  650. yí lù píng ān 一路平安 safe journey; have a pleasant journey
  651. yí lù shùn fēng 一路顺风 Bon voyage
  652. yǐjīng 已经 Already
  653. yǐ hòu 以后 after; later on; afterwards; later
  654. yǐ qián 以前 before
  655. yǐ shàng 以上 above; over
  656. yǐ wài 以外 beyond; outside; other than;except
  657. yǐwéi 以为 Think think; believe; consider
  658. yǐ xià 以下 below;under
  659. yǐzi 椅子 Chair
  660. yìbān 一般 commonly
  661. yì diǎn diǎn 一点点 a little bit
  662. yì shēng 一生 lifetime; all one's life
  663. yìzhí 一直 always
  664. 亿 Billion
  665. yìjiàn 意见 Opinion
  666. yìsi 意思 Meaning
  667. yīn wèi 因为 because
  668. yīn cloudy, negative
  669. yīn tiān 阴天 cloudy day; overcast sky
  670. yīn jié 音节 syllable
  671. yīnyuè 音乐 Music
  672. yīn yuè huì 音乐会 concert
  673. yínháng 银行 Bank
  674. yín háng kǎ 银行卡 bank card
  675. yīnggāi 应该 Should
  676. yīng wén 英文 English
  677. yīng yǔ 英语 English
  678. yǐng piàn 影片 film;movie
  679. yǐngxiǎng 影响 Influence
  680. yŏngyuăn 永远 forever
  681. yóu oil; fat; grease
  682. yóu kè 游客 tourist; visitor
  683. yǒuhǎo 友好 friendly
  684. yŏu kòngr 有空儿 be free; at leisure
  685. yŏu rén 有人 someone; there's someone
  686. yǒu (yì )diǎnr 有(一)点儿 a little bit
  687. yŏu yìsi 有意思 interesting; significant
  688. yòu also
  689. fish
  690. yǔyán 语言 language
  691. yuánlái 原来 Original; formerly
  692. yuányīn 原因 Reason
  693. yuàn yard; compound; courtyard;college
  694. yuàn zhăng 院长 dean
  695. yuàn zi 院子 courtyard; yard
  696. yuànyì 愿意 Be willing
  697. yuè fèn 月份 month
  698. yuèliang 月亮 Мoon
  699. yuè The more
  700. yuè lái yuè 越来越 more and more
  701. yún cloud
  702. yùndòng 运动 motion sports; athletics; exercise
  703. zán we; us
  704. zánmen 咱们 We
  705. zāng dirty
  706. zǎo cān 早餐 breakfast
  707. zǎo chén 早晨 morning
  708. zǎo jiù 早就 long since
  709. zěnme bàn 怎么办 how to;what to do
  710. zěnmeyàng 怎么样 How about
  711. zěn yàng 怎样 how
  712. zhàn occupy
  713. zhàn 站(动) stand; stop; halt
  714. zhàn zhù 站住 stop; halt
  715. zhǎng grow
  716. zhǎng dà 长大 grow up
  717. zhǎo chū 找出 find out
  718. zhàogù 照顾 look after
  719. zhàopiàn 照片 Photo
  720. zhào xiàng 照相 take a picture; take a photograph
  721. zhè me 这么 so; such; this way; like this
  722. zhè shíhou | zhè shí 这时候|这时 at this moment; at this time
  723. zhè yàng 这样 so; such; like this; this way
  724. zhēnzhèng 真正 real
  725. zhèngcháng 正常 normal
  726. zhènghǎo 正好 Just right
  727. zhèngquè 正确 Correct
  728. zhèng shì 正是 exactly
  729. zhíjiē 直接 direct
  730. zhǐ only; just; simply; merely
  731. zhǐ néng 只能 can only
  732. zhǐyào 只要 as long as
  733. zhǐ раper
  734. zhōng cān 中餐 Chinese food
  735. zhōng jí 中级 intermediate; middle-level
  736. zhōng nián 中年 middle age; middle-aged
  737. zhōng xiǎo xué 中小学 elementary and middle school
  738. zhōngxīn 中心 core centre; heart; core; hub
  739. zhōng yī 中医 Chinese Medicine
  740. zhòngdiăn 重点 A key
  741. zhòngshì 重视 attach importance to
  742. zhōu week
  743. zhōumò 周末 Weekend
  744. zhōunián 周年 anniversary
  745. zhǔrén 主人 master
  746. zhǔyào 主要 main
  747. zhù fáng 住房 housing; lodging
  748. zhù yuàn 住院 be in hospital; be hospitalized
  749. zhuāng pretend
  750. zhǔnquè 准确 accuracy
  751. zìjí 自己 Own, self
  752. zìxíngchē 自行车 Bicycle
  753. zìyóu 自由 free
  754. zì diăn 字典 dictionary
  755. zǒu guò 走过 walk through; pass by
  756. zǒu jìn 走进 walk in
  757. zǒu kāi 走开 go away
  758. rent
  759. group
  760. zǔchéng 组成 Form
  761. zŭ zhăng 组长 group leader
  762. zuǐ mouth
  763. zuìjin 最近 Lately
  764. zuòjiā 作家 writer
  765. zuòwén 作文 composition to write an essay or article
  766. zuòyè 作业 task, homework
  767. zuòyòng 作用 Effect
  768. zuò seat
  769. zuòwèi 座位 seat
  770. zuò dào 做到 accomplish;achieve
  771. zuò fǎ 做法 practice; behavior; way of doing
  772. zuò fàn 做饭 cook

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